

I told you so: things your mom was right about

During our normal day, we wake up go to school, come back home with a new story to tell our parents. Most likely our mothers. Even if we don’t want them to know about them, the moment you walk in the door she knows what happened, and she knows if you want to tell her about it or not. Either way, she pulls out the words out of your mouth like a witch casting a spell. She gives you her advice, or a one hour lecture and by the end when you don’t follow her advice (like always) she follows back up when you’re back home crying because of the decision you’ve made with “MESH OLTLEK?” and a box of Fine Tissues maybe some chocolate if she’s nice enough:

God bless our mothers.

“Mesh Oltlek”: A word that mothers use against their children (mostly daughters) when they don’t follow the advice they gave them.

1)   Guys:

Remember that day your mom picked you up and then this guy walked you to the car, and then your mom gave him the deadly look and said hi to you in the most sweetest way, kissing and hugging you. The moment she drove away, she was like “MEEN DA?” and then you were like “mama he’s a friend of mine” and then she said “NO NO!” No matter what your position was with the guy, dating, friends, a best friend, or studying buddies, she was totally against him for some weird magical mothering reasons that you never understood. Afterwards when something happened, you came back home looking so dark and gloomy and she said, “mesh oltlek?”

2)   Best friend? WAS!

I don’t know how, and I don’t know if I will be that way in my life later on with my kids, but mothers have this way of reading the person in front of them from head to toe and they can know who they are, who they were, what do they want from you, where do they come from and their future. Its like they have FBI genes in them. Remember that new friend you got to know in a party? And she came back home with you for a sleepover and your mom just said hi to her in this weird awkward way? Like “Oh hi ya habibti esmek eh?” and then just gave you the run away now stare. Remember how much your mom warned you about her? Yet you still continued with the friendship until she did something to you, and you thought I wish I listened to my mom.

3)   Take a jacket with you. “What does she think we’re in the Switzerland this is Egypt mama”

Here you are remembering the last time you froze to death because you didn’t take a jacket with you! LOSER. And then when you were back home with a cold your mom said “Ahsan mesh oltlelk ta5dy el jacket wallahi ma hageblek dawa?” (Good, didn’t I tell you to take a jacket? I’m not getting you medicine)

4)   Your reputation is the key that opens up all the doors in life

As girls growing up in a Middle Eastern society, where people aren’t as open minded, as we would want them to me. How many times did your mother say any of the following: “your skirt is too short”, “you’re not going out with this shirt, its too open”, “I think you should wear pants instead of this skirt”, “you have too much make up on, you look like a clown”, “I don’t like these pants, they’re way to tight”, “why is your stomach showing? Did the shop burn down before they finish making the rest of the shirt HAHA” and we start thinking “Mom we don’t live in the 20th century anymore, what’s wrong with you?” or “when will she understand that everyone dresses up like this?” However as we grow up we start realizing everything our mom once told us was true, reputation is the key to every close door we might come across in life. My mom always says “A girl’s reputation is like white milk, that ONE drop of ink in it will change its color forever” or “a girl’s reputation is like paper, once its crumbled up you can unfold it again but it will never be as clean and neat as it once was”


I don’t need to say anything about this do I? WHY DID I CUT MY HAIR? LEH MASM3TSH KALMEK YA MAMA!!!



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